Happy World Emoji Day! An interview with Australian Expat and Emojipedia Founder Jeremy Burge Capital City

Today is World Emoji Day. Why? Because the calendar emoji (📅) features the date July 17. Some hotheads get really worked up about emojis having their own day, but it’s all in good fun, like Pizza Day (February 9 in the U.S.). To celebrate, I’m sharing my podcast interview with Jeremy Burge, founder of Emojipedia, and an Australian expat living in London.

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Visiting Tirana: Your Local Guide to Albania's Capital City

I’ve always been a little afraid of Australia because of all its slithery and sharp-toothed creatures, but British expat James Cridland has me wanting to sip coffee and cuddle with koalas Down Under. On the Postcard Academy’s Brisbane episode, James and I talk about the best things to see, eat, and experience in Brisbane, Australia. Also, I learn the proper way to eat Vegemite; Australia’s tipping situation; and the proper way to ride in a taxi in this super-laidback country. 

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8 Ways the Selfie Generation Can Honor the Greatest Generation

I used to think dying in a fire would be the worst way to go. I now believe selfie-related deaths top that. Our self-obsessed culture has weighed on my mind in recent days as the world recognized the 75th anniversary of D-Day, the largest air, sea, and land operation in the history of war. On D-Day alone, Nazis killed nearly 4,500 Allied troops and injured many more. In one day. And I keep asking myself: Are we living lives that honor that sacrifice?

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Brisbane Travel Guide: How to Enjoy Australia’s Most Relaxed City

I’ve always been a little afraid of Australia because of all its slithery and sharp-toothed creatures, but British expat James Cridland has me wanting to sip coffee and cuddle with koalas Down Under. On the Postcard Academy’s Brisbane episode, James and I talk about the best things to see, eat, and experience in Brisbane, Australia. Also, I learn the proper way to eat Vegemite; Australia’s tipping situation; and the proper way to ride in a taxi in this super-laidback country. 

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Santo Domingo: The Perfect Travel Destination for Beaches, Chocolate, and Culture

Lily Girma is a lawyer turned travel writer who’s spent a significant amount of time in some of the most beautiful destinations in the world, including Belize and Jamaica. In the Santo Domingo episode of the Postcard Academy travel podcast, Lily explains why she now calls the Dominican Republic home.

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Exploring Mexico City with the World Wanderers

Amanda Kingsmith and Ryan Ferguson are a Canadian couple who travel full time, but they do it slowly, often staying in one place for weeks or months at a time. Over the last year, they fell in love with Mexico City and its incredible food and culture scene. Did you know that Mexico City has more than 40,000 restaurants and the second-highest number of museums after Paris?

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A Perfect Day in Manhattan with Travel Expert Mark Ellwood

British-born Mark Ellwood is a fellow expat and travel podcaster who I’ve been listening to for a few years, first on Conde Nast Traveler’s Travelogue and now on Travel Genius. Whenever I hear him, I think, “This guy sounds like so much fun.” I knew he’d be the perfect guest to talk about the local experiences we should have in New York City.   

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Brexit: How Did We Get Here (and How We Hope it Will End)

A lot of the news stories about Brexit are wonky and confusing, so I invited my British friend, Mark Robson, to come on the Postcard Academy podcast to explain what Brexit means in language everyone can understand. In part one, Mark and I dive into some European history to explain how Brexit came to be. In part 2, we talk about how it feels to be living in England during this crazy time, which has been described as serious as WWII, and we share our predictions and dreams for the U.K. 

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Tallinn, Estonia: Old Fashioned Charm in the Most Digital Nation on Earth

Wired magazine has called Estonia “the most advanced digital society in the world.” The President of Estonia (a woman — yay!)  just published an article about how “Estonia is running its country like a tech company” and that “governments must learn to provide public services as efficiently as Amazon sells books: no physical presence, no cost of application, no opening hours.” Despite all the tech, Estonians still cherish nature and traditions like jam making and baking black bread.

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How to Tell Travel Stories People Actually Want to Hear

Most travel stories bore people — including the storytellers themselves. Why do we struggle to convey the magic we experienced on our trip? According to Matthew Dicks, author of Storyworthy, TED speaker, and five-time Moth GrandSLAM champion, travel stories usually fail because they’re just a chronological recitation of your itinerary. Here’s the right way to tell a story.

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