Posts tagged travel tips
Making Travel a Financial Priority with Guest Danielle Desir

Do you make travel a financial priority? Danielle Desir, host of the Thought Card, takes this idea so seriously that she treats saving for travel like paying a bill. “So similar to your cell phone bill, your gym subscriptions, all the other things that you pay for on a monthly basis, travel is right up there with all of those things for me. It's something that has to get done, which is why I automate it.”

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How to Find the Cheapest Flights & Best Travel Deals in 2018

At 18, Cristal Dyer left Australia on her first solo trip, venturing to South America where she volunteered for a year. Since then, she's become a full-time traveler. She shared her secrets to finding the cheapest flights and other travel deals with the Postcard Academy. 

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