Posts tagged financial goals
Making Travel a Financial Priority with Guest Danielle Desir

Do you make travel a financial priority? Danielle Desir, host of the Thought Card, takes this idea so seriously that she treats saving for travel like paying a bill. “So similar to your cell phone bill, your gym subscriptions, all the other things that you pay for on a monthly basis, travel is right up there with all of those things for me. It's something that has to get done, which is why I automate it.”

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10 Money Saving Pro-Tips to Fulfill Your Travel Dreams

Professional photographer Anna Mazurek travels the world for clients such as Travel + Leisure, Rolling Stone, and National Geographic. But don’t think they’re throwing money at her. These days, successful travel photographers earn around $30,000 a year. Despite this, Anna has figured out how to maximize this income to travel the world full time and still save for retirement. She writes about this in her new book Good With Money.

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